Redfall trademark opposition
Redfall trademark opposition

^^ I mean Starfield was first discovered in 2013, when people digged into the trademarks too and people started speculating. While there is little evidence to support it, the title could have something to do with the Amulet of Kings. Multiple times in history has it disappeared, presumed gone forever, only to appear again at a significant moment. There is a suspicion in the lore community that the Amulet of Kings could not have possibly been destroyed at the end of the Oblivion crisis.

redfall trademark opposition

What if something causes the heart to appear again and fall in Hammerfell? Would it create a new Red Tower?Ĥ. Red Mountain formed when the Heart Impacted Tamriel after Lorkhan was slain at Convention. However, the Heart of Lorkhan, which was the stone of Red Tower, could somehow be involved. All signs point to the game being in Hammerfell, which is obviously on the opposite side of Tamriel from Red Mountain (The Red Tower). Perhaps it has something to do with the moons? A prophecy with a moon falling would certainly fit in to the Elder Scrolls lore.ģ. We already know that something strange happened with the moons during the void nights. So the title could have something to do with that.Ģ. It is indicated that he has little enclaves of followers with the illness scattered all over Tamriel waiting for a signal to spread the plague. The plague that Peryite's followers have in Skyrim causes their skin to turn bright red. For another thing, it's just kind of lame.ġ. Well, for one thing, I highly doubt it will be something as obvious as "Redguard plus Daggerfall makes Redfall!" For one thing, that doesn't make any sense.

Redfall trademark opposition