Is the earth flat is the earth flat or round
Is the earth flat is the earth flat or round

is the earth flat is the earth flat or round

This is to stop people from falling off the edge and that the Arctic Circle is in the center of the Earth. Their interpretation of Planet Earth is a disc surrounded by a 150ft wall of ice (Antarctica). Flat Earthers believe the NASA photos are photoshopped because to fake a space program it would logically cost less than having a real one. B.o.B, an American rapper, and singer-songwriter questioned, “How can a 16-mile distance between two points in a picture look flat? Where is the curve? Please explain.” B.o.B also claims that all NASA imagery is faked. Charles and Marjory Johnson, who were prominent Flat Earth Advocates in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s claimed “The space program is a scientific plot to hoodwink the public.” Flat Earthers state that the Earth “looks and feels flat” and that a “Round Earth conspiracy” is orchestrated by NASA. Christian Flat Earthers consider the conspiracy to be Satanic, this may be due to biblical literalism but either way it still links back to religion. Although Flat Earth may seem a fairly recent innovation, it was, in fact, popularised in the 19th and 20th centuries by biblical literalism.

is the earth flat is the earth flat or round

The Flat Earth Society’s leadership says that since 2009, the Flat Earth Society has grown by approximately 200 people per annum. Why would NASA, a multi-billion dollar company, fake hundreds of different photos of a round Earth? Why would NASA fake a live stream of the Earth? And why would NASA fake a whole space program? This is what Flat Earthers think NASA is doing! NASA also has a constant live stream that anyone can watch at any time. Pictures from satellites and other space photographic equipment show pictures of a spherical Earth. We first found out that Earth is round when the Greeks measured shadows during the summer solstice and then calculated the Earth’s circumference. Earth is the third closest planet to the sun and is an average of 93 million miles away from our central star. From these studies, we know that Earth was formed around 4.5 billion years ago and has a diameter of approximately 8,000 miles. Today, scientists use geodesy to help study the planet, this is the science of measuring Earth’s shape, gravity, and rotation. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) studies our home planet, Earth, to learn how our planet changes over time and what we can do to help it.

Is the earth flat is the earth flat or round